- MA Jun, ZHOU Ben-gang, WANG Ming-ming, AN Li-ke
2020, 42(5):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2020.05.001
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Xianshuihe Fault is an active fault which originated from the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau and formed by the orogenic events in Songpang-Ganzi area. The origin of Xianshuihe Fault is discovered in the NW of Ganzi, then it extends to the SE, passing through Luhuo, Daofu, Qianning, Kangding, Luding, Moxi and disappears after passing through Shimian. Based on previous studies, Xianshihe Fault is a sinistral strike-slip fault. According to GPS and InSAR data, the horizontal component of average slip rate for Xianshuihe Fault is approximately 7.5~16.7mm/a. As a crucial member of the regional earthquake zone, Xianshuihe Fault separates Sichuan-Yunnan block and Bayankala block. More importantly, Xianshuihe Fault is responsible for a great number of large magnitude earthquakes especially in the Qianning-Kangding segment, a segment of Xianshuihe Fault which consists of three branches. From east to west, they are Yalahe Fault, Selaha Fault and Zheduotang Fault which are all active since Holocene. Yalahe Fault is responsible for a M7 earthquake that occurred around 1700AD. Selaha Fault is responsible for another M7 earthquake which occurred around 1725AD. Around 1955AD, a M7.5 earthquake occurred which was related to Zheduotang Fault.
According to the 1:50k Xianshihe Active Faults Map(1995) and relevant researches, it is discovered that, from north to south, the Holocene active Zheduotang segment starts from Kangding airport to Zheduotang village. The total length of Zheduotang segment is around 30km which includes the surface rupture zone of the 1955 M7.5 earthquake. Due to the absence of researches, the northern part of the Zheduotang Fault, which is to the north of the Kangding airport, remains unstudied. Based on satellite image, we discovered that there are signs of faults to the north of Kangding airport. Therefore, we selected four sites to carry out field investigations and trench analysis. The first site is to the NW of the Duoriagamo village. Based on satellite image and DEM data, many typical faulted geomorphologic features are discovered. To the NW of this site, both the fan and the terrace are offset. By analyzing the DEM data, the offset of T1 terrace is around 7.8m and the offset of Fan1 is around 15.6m. To the SE of this site, the fan is also offset by sinistral movement which has an offset value of 21.7m. The second site is to the NW of the Muyazuqing school where 2.6m of sinistral offset between the fan and the T1 terrace are measured. To the SE of this site, obvious offset of fan and floodplain are observed which both have sinistral offset of 2.5m. The third site is to the south of first Duoriagamo village. The fault here shows two parallel branches. The fourth site is near the Tonglilongba and there are 37.5m of horizontal offset of the fan.
Based on trench analysis, 17 stratigraphic units are defined from which carbon samples are acquired for geochronological analysis. By constraining the age of each stratigraphic unit, the age of four deformation events are defined. Event 1 is the youngest which occurred between 5 821~3 148a BP. Event 2 occurred between 13 060~10 745a BP, Event 3 occurred between 13 687~11 420a BP and Event 4 occurred between 41 443~13 715a BP. According to the integration results of our analysis, the location of northwestern segment of Zheduotang Fault is defined. It is discovered that, the NW segment of Zheduotang Fault is located between the Kangding airport and Duoriagamo village with a total length of 15km. The trace of Zheduotang Fault is also defined. From north to south, Zheduotang Fault passes through Duoriagamo village, Tonglilongba, Kangding airport, Zheduoshan nek, Ertaizidaoban and disappears near Zheduotang village. Moreover, after Holocene, the Zheduotang Fault is dominated sinistral slip movement along with minor vertical component. Different from previous researches, we believe that the Holocene active Zheduotang segment extends 15km further to the NW. This discovery provides some basis for perfecting the plane geometric images of the three active faults in Qianning-Kangding segment of Xianshuihe fault zone, such as Zheduotang Fault, Selaha Fault and Yalahe Fault, and is of great significance for understanding the strain distribution and strong earthquake rupture mode of each branch fault in Qianning-Kangding segment of Xianshuihe fault zone.