SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2005, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 513-529.

• Brief Report •     Next Articles


CHEN Jie1, Scharer K M2, Burbank D W3, WANG Chang-sheng1   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China;
    2. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA;
    3. Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
  • Received:2005-10-23 Revised:2005-11-07 Online:2005-12-08 Published:2009-10-26


陈杰1, Scharer K M2, Burbank D W3, 王昌盛1   

  1. 1. 中国地震局地质研究所, 地震动力学国家重点实验室,北京, 100029;
    2. Department of Geological Sciences University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403 USA;
    3. Department of Geological Sciences University of California Santa Barbara CA 93106 USA
  • 作者简介:陈杰,男,1966年生,1995年在中国地震局地质研究所获博士学位,研究员,主要从事新构造、活动构造、第四纪地质与年代学研究,电话:010-62009093,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Fluvial terraces,like growth strata,provide geomorphic markers that can record progressive deformation and mechanisms on underlying fault-related folds. Because terraces are generally preserved within the pre-growth strata,they record the deformation mechanism in the core of the fold. To explore the fold evolution and subsequent geometry of deformed terraces,we present ideal kinematic models for successively emplaced horizontal unconformities (terraces) across pre-growth strata in three types of growing fault-related fold. Three common mechanisms for fold growth are considered: hinge migration (Limb-lengthening),limb rotation,and a combination of the two. Both angular-hinge and curved-hinge zone migration are considered. Each model predicts distinct terrace architecture,fold scarps,and different angular relationships between the terraces and the pre-growth strata.Limb-lengthening fault-bend fold results in self-similar growth,marked by parallel pre-growth and terrace strath orientations across much of the fold,and steeply dipping asymmetric fold scarps along the fold's flanks.Limb-lengthening fault-propagation fold models result in self-similar growth parallel terraces,and step fold scarps in the back limb. Deformation by limb rotation detachment fold is marked by progressively less tilted terraces across the limbs and symmetric fold scarps along the fold's flanks.Migration of an angular hinge of detachment fold results in parallel,uplifted terraces in the core and steeply dipping symmetric fold scarps along the fold's flanks. When limb rotation and hinge migration are combined,the terrace architecture is consistent with the kinematics of each kink panel.The result of limb lengthening by migration of a curved hinge is dependent on the width of the curved hinge.If the hinge is wide and terrace abandonment is frequent compared to the migration rate,fanning terraces and fold scarps result. In additional,changes in base level have significant effects on the final terrace geometry. Uniform incision along the river profile results in an apparent uplift of the older terraces,while aggradation will cause older terraces to truncate into the less tilted,younger terraces.

Key words: fault-related fold, kinematic model, fluvial terrace, fold scarp, limb rotation, hinge migration, growth strata

摘要: 与生长地层类似,在活动褶皱生长发育过程中形成的河流阶地堆积、阶地面与褶皱陡坎记录了褶皱发育的详细过程,其基本几何结构主要受控于下伏褶皱生长的机制与类型。文中讨论了简单膝折带迁移(恒定翼间角)生长断弯褶皱与断展褶皱、翼旋转(恒定翼长)滑脱褶皱、膝折带迁移滑脱褶皱、膝折带迁移-翼旋转联合作用以及弧形弯曲枢纽膝折带迁移褶皱作用下河流阶地的几何结构以及阶地面与下伏基座岩层间的角度关系,提出了这几类褶皱生长与河流阶地相互关系的运动学模型,同时考虑了河流加积和下切侵蚀作用对河流阶地最终几何结构的影响。在这些模型中,变形河流阶地和褶皱陡坎的基本几何结构既具有相似之处,也有截然不同之处。因此,通过对河流阶地和褶皱陡坎的细致填图、测量和测年,不仅可推断其下伏活动褶皱的生长变形机制,而且可以估算褶皱的隆升速率和控制褶皱生长的断层的滑动速率。

关键词: 断层相关褶皱, 运动学模型, 河流阶地, 褶皱陡坎, 翼旋转, 膝折带迁移, 生长地层

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