SEISMOLOGY AND EGOLOGY ›› 2007, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 558-577.

• Brief Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles


YANG Ke-sheng1, HU Ping2, DANG Xiao-chun1   

  1. 1. Research Institute of BGP, Zhuozhou 072751, China;
    2. Earthquake Administration of Beijing Municipality, Beijing 100080, China
  • Received:2006-07-02 Revised:2007-01-10 Online:2007-09-13 Published:2009-08-27


杨克绳1, 胡平2, 党晓春1   

  1. 1. 东方地球物理公司研究院, 涿州 072751;
    2. 北京市地震局, 北京 100080
  • 作者简介:杨克绳,男,1937年生,1957年毕业于北京石油学院石油地质专业,享受政府特殊津贴教授级高级工程师,从事中国含油气盆地结构与构造样式研究,电话:0312-3737390.

Abstract: Under the effect of external force,plastic layers in subsurface and deep crust would result in diapirism,and the resulting structure is called diapiric structure,which can be divided into two types according to their nature,one is cold diapir and other is hot diapir.Cold diapir is defined here as the structural style resulting from diapirism or upward movement of plastic material such as salt,gypsum and shale.Hot diapir is defined as the diapiric structural style resulting from magmatic intrusion or explosion.Both of them are characterized with chaotic internal reflection pattern and rapid termination of reflections relevant to surrounding rock in seismic section.Magmatic diapirism is commonly associated with high magnetic anomaly and high interval velocity.Some cold diapir is associated with low interval velocity,but the diapir resulting from gypsum is associated with high interval velocity.Hot diapir is undoubtedly linked to volcanic earthquake.Cold diapir can also result in disastrous earthquake which is commonly omitted by geologist.Such examples include:two earthquakes with MS 7 1/4 and MS 6 1/4 respectively taking place in Luntai(located in the front belt of South Tianshan Mts.between Koerle and Wushi)in 1949;the northeast Baicheng earthquake with MS 7 1/4 in 1949;the south Baicheng earthquake with MS 6 1/4 in 1947;and the Wushi earthquake with MS 6.5 in 1969.The earthquakes mentioned above are obviously controlled by the large fault belt in the south of depression at the front of South Tianshan Mts.Among them,the Baicheng fault is a rootless one which is associated with Paleogene gypsum flow and upward movement.It is inferred that south Baicheng earthquake is related to the fault.Therefore,people working in seismogeology should pay more attention to the study of cold diapirism.

Key words: cold diapir, hot diaper, seismic information, tectonic and volcanic earthquake, disastrous earthquake resulting from cold diapirism

摘要: 冷底辟是指盐、膏、泥岩等塑性地层向上侵入或刺穿所产生的构造样式;热底辟主要指岩浆侵入或喷发所产生的底辟构造样式。不论哪种底辟构造,在人工地震剖面上反映均非常明显,其底辟内部呈杂乱反射,而围岩反射界面在此突然中断。在岩浆底辟处常出现磁力高异常,并有较高的层速度,冷底辟具有较低的层速度,盐膏底辟也具有较高的层速度。构造与火山地震关系密切,而冷底辟也可以形成破坏性地震,是今后值得注意的研究课题。

关键词: 冷底辟, 热底辟, 地震信息, 构造与火山地震, 冷底辟破坏性地震

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