SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2008, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 176-186.

• Active structures and neotectonics • Previous Articles     Next Articles


WANG Zhi-cai1,2, CHAO Hong-tai1, DU Xian-song1, JIA Rong-guang1, ZHOU Bin2, LU Zi-lin1   

  1. 1. Shandong Earthquake Administration, Jinan 250014, China;
    2. Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, National Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2008-01-06 Revised:2008-02-18 Online:2008-03-19 Published:2009-08-24


王志才1,2, 晁洪太1, 杜宪宋1, 贾荣光1, 周斌2, 鹿子林1   

  1. 1. 山东省地震局, 济南, 250014;
    2. 中国地震局地质研究所, 地震动力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100029
  • 作者简介:王志才,男,1966年生,1992年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉),研究员,主要研究方向为活动构造、新生代构造,电话:0531-88526904,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: It is the first time that several profiles of acoustic survey have been conducted across the Qianliyan Fault in the northern part of the South Yellow Sea. According to the difference of the late Quaternary fault activities revealed by the acoustic survey,the Qianliyan Fault may be divided by the Chaoliandao Fault into two segments. The southern segment is not active since the late Pleistocene,no offset in late Pleistocene strata has been observed on the acoustic profiles to the southeast of Rizhao. The northern segment is active in the late Pleistocene,normal faults are observed on the acoustic profiles west of Qianliyan island and offset the middle and upper part of the late Pleistocene layers,but no offset has been found in the latest Pleistocene and Holocene strata. In addition,it is found that the Qianliyan Fault offsets the late Pleistocene strata in the sea region 15km east of Shidao,Rongcheng County. In summary,the northern segment of the Qianliyan Fault is active in the latest Pleistocene in the sea region from the west of Qianliyan Island to the east of Shidao. Besides the Qianliyan Fault,other faults develop in the region to the southeast of the Qianliyan Island,which show obvious late Pleistocene active evidence. Therefore,the relative uplift status of the block where the Qianliyan Island lies on may be related to the late Pleistocene tectonic activities including that of the Qianliyan Fault. Both modern and history seismicity are relatively week in the region along the Qianliyan Fault. Since the establishment of the seismograph network in this region,no earthquake with magnitude equal or larger than 5and no small earthquake clusters have occurred along the Qianliyan Fault and in the surrounding area. The only historic earthquake is the 1932 M6(1/2) southern Yellow Sea earthquake which occurred in the sea region 28km southeast of the Qianliyan Fault. It is obviously that the seismicity is not concordant with the late Pleistocene active features of the Qianliyan Fault. Above all,the Qianliyan Fault is over 100km long from the Qianliyan Island to the offshore near Shidao and it is obviously active in the latest Pleistocene,the probability of the occurrence of a some M6.5 earthquake along the Qianliyan Fault should be considered in the practice of earthquake prediction and seismic hazard analysis.

Key words: offshore active fault survey, Qianliyan Fault, acoustic sounding, Shandong Peninsula

摘要: 在南黄海北部海域首次针对千里岩断裂进行了声波探测。根据声波反射剖面所显示的晚第四纪断裂活动性差异,大致以朝连岛断裂为界,可把千里岩断裂分为2段,南段晚更新世以来不活动,在日照东南海域跨断裂的声波剖面上晚更新世地层没有受到断层错断的影响;北段在晚更新世晚期活动,从千里岩岛西侧至石岛湾以东海域,在声波剖面上可见多处上更新统中上部地层错断现象。虽然自建立测震台网以来沿千里岩断裂及附近海域内尚未发生5级及以上地震,也未见小震丛集现象,但是,千里岩断裂的晚更新世活动段长度>100km,具有发生6.5级左右地震的可能性,在地震预报和地震危险性分析中值得进一步研究。

关键词: 海域活断层探测, 千里岩断裂, 声波探测, 山东半岛

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