SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 492-512.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2020.02.015

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WU Wei-wei, WEI Ya-ling, LONG Feng, LIANG Ming-jian, CHEN Xue-fen, SUN Wei, ZHAO Jing   

  1. Sichuan Earthquake Agency, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2019-10-09 Online:2020-04-20 Published:2020-07-13


吴微微, 魏娅玲, 龙锋, 梁明剑, 陈学芬, 孙玮, 赵晶   

  1. 四川省地震局, 成都 610041
  • 作者简介:吴微微, 女, 1982年生, 2009年于中国地震局地球物理研究所获地球探测与信息技术专业硕士学位, 高级工程师, 主要从事地震监测预报、 数字地震学应用等方面的研究工作, 电话: 13882255716, E-mail:。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: On August 8, 2017, a strong earthquake of M7.0 occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Prefecture, northern Sichuan. The earthquake occurred on a branch fault at the southern end of the eastern section of the East Kunlun fault zone. In the northwest of the aftershock area is the Maqu-Maqin seismic gap, which is in a locking state under high stress. Destructive earthquakes are frequent along the southeast direction of the aftershocks area. In Songpan-Pingwu area, only 50~80km away from the Jiuzhaigou earthquake, two M7.2 earthquakes and one M6.7 earthquake occurred from August 16 to 23, 1976. Therefore, the Jiuzhaigou earthquake was an earthquake that occurred at the transition part between the historical earthquake fracture gap and the neotectonic active area. Compared with other M7.0 earthquakes, there are few moderate-strong aftershocks following this Jiuzhaigou earthquake, and the maximum magnitude of aftershocks is much smaller than the main shock. There is no surface rupture zone discovered corresponding to the M7.0 earthquake. In order to understand the feature of source structure and the tectonic environment of the source region, we calculate the parameters of the initial earthquake catalogue by Loc3D based on the digital waveform data recorded by Sichuan seismic network and seismic phase data collected by the China Earthquake Networks Center. Smaller events in the sequence are relocated using double-difference algorithm; source mechanism solutions and centroid depths of 29 earthquakes with ML≥3.4 are obtained by CAP method. Moreover, the source spectrum of 186 earthquakes with 2.0≤ML≤5.5 is restored and the spatial distribution of source stress drop along faults is obtained. According to the relocations and focal mechanism results, the Jiuzhaigou M7.0 earthquake is a high-angle left-lateral strike-slip event. The earthquake sequence mainly extends along the NW-SE direction, with the dominant focal depth of 4~18km. There are few shallow earthquakes and few earthquakes with depth greater than 20km. The relocation results show that the distribution of aftershocks is bounded by the M7.0 main shock, which shows obvious segmental characteristics in space, and the aftershock area is divided into NW segment and SE segment. The NW segment is about 16km long and 12km wide, with scattered and less earthquakes, the dominant focal depth is 4~12km, the source stress drop is large, and the type of focal mechanism is complicated. The SE segment is about 20km long and 8km wide, with concentrated earthquakes, the dominant depth is 4~12km, most moderate-strong earthquakes occurred in the depth between 11~14km. Aftershock activity extends eastward from the start point of the M7.0 main earthquake. The middle-late-stage aftershocks are released intensively on this segment, most of them are strike-slip earthquakes. The stress drop of the aftershock sequence gradually decreases with time. Principal stress axis distribution also shows segmentation characteristics. On the NW segment, the dominant azimuth of P axis is about 91.39°, the average elevation angle is about 20.80°, the dominant azimuth of T axis is NE-SW, and the average elevation angle is about 58.44°. On the SE segment, the dominant azimuth of P axis is about 103.66°, the average elevation angle is about 19.03°, the dominant azimuth of T axis is NNE-SSW, and the average elevation angle is about 15.44°. According to the fault profile inferred from the focal mechanism solution, the main controlling structure in the source area is in NW-SE direction, which may be a concealed fault or the north extension of Huya Fault. The northwest end of the fault is limited to the horsetail structure at the east end of the East Kunlun Fault, and the SE extension requires clear seismic geological evidence. The dip angle of the NW segment of the seismogenic fault is about 65°, which may be a reverse fault striking NNW and dipping NE. According to the basic characteristics of inverse fault ruptures, the rupture often extends short along the strike, the rupture length is often disproportionate to the magnitude of the earthquake, and it is not easy to form a rupture zone on the surface. The dip angle of the SE segment of the seismogenic fault is about 82°, which may be a strike-slip fault that strikes NW and dips SW. The fault plane solution shows significant change on the north and south sides of the main earthquake, and turns gradually from compressional thrust to strike-slip movement, with a certain degree of rotation.

Key words: Jiuzhaigou earthquake, relocation, focal mechanism, stress drop, seismogenic structure

摘要: 2017年8月8日21时19分46秒, 四川北部阿坝州九寨沟县发生M7.0地震。 该地震发生在东昆仑断裂带东段南端的一条分支断裂上, 地处玛曲—玛沁地震空区和松潘—平武地震破裂区的过渡部位。 为了解这次地震的震源参数特征以及震区构造环境, 文中基于四川数字波形资料及中国地震台网中心的震相数据, 采用Loc3D定位方法获取初始地震目录参数, 并利用双差定位方法重新定位地震序列中的较小地震, 选用CAP(Cut-and-Paste)方法分析29次中强地震的震源机制解与震源矩心深度, 同时对186次地震(2.0≤ML≤5.5)进行了震源谱恢复, 绘制出余震序列的震源应力降空间分布图像。 重新定位结果显示, 该地震序列以M7.0主震震中为界表现出明显的空间分段差异: 余震区的NW段地震数量较少、 震源应力降较大、 震源机制解类型复杂; SE段分布着多数4.0级以上中强地震, 且几乎全部为纯走滑型地震, 余震序列的应力降随时间逐渐减小。 结合震源机制解的研究结果分析, 发震构造可能为NW-SE向、 断续的隐伏断裂或虎牙断裂的北延推测段, 断层面在主震南、 北两侧发生明显转折, 同时由挤压逆冲为主逐渐转换为以走滑运动为主。

关键词: 九寨沟地震, 重新定位, 震源机制解, 应力降, 发震构造

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