SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1248-1262.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2024.06.002

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MA Chen-yu1,2)(), CHENG Tao3),*(), WAN Yuan4), PAN Bo1,2), ZHOU Bing-rui1,2), YAN Li-li1,2)   

  1. 1) Jilin Changbaishan Volcano National Observation and Research Station, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China
    2) Key Laboratory of Seismic and Volcanic Hazards, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China
    3) National Geomatics Center of China, Beijing 100830, China
    4) Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2023-11-20 Revised:2024-01-15 Online:2024-12-20 Published:2025-01-22


马晨语1,2)(), 程滔3),*(), 万园4), 潘波1,2), 周秉锐1,2), 颜丽丽1,2)   

  1. 1) 吉林长白山火山国家野外科学观测研究站, 中国地震局地质研究所, 北京 100029
    2) 中国地震局地震与火山灾害重点实验室, 北京 100029
    3) 国家基础地理信息中心, 北京 100830
    4) 中国地震局地质研究所, 北京 100029
  • 通讯作者: *程滔, 男, 1981年生, 正高级工程师, 主要从事自然资源调查监测、 摄影测量与遥感影像数据处理与应用, E-mail:
  • 作者简介:

    马晨语, 男, 1997年生, 2024年于中国地震局地质研究所获地球化学专业硕士学位, 主要研究方向为火山地貌, E-mail:

  • 基金资助:


Calderas, large basin-shaped landforms created by massive explosive eruptions, leave behind “pot-like” structures that can provide essential insights into the history and processes of volcanic development and associated hazards. The Changbaishan Tianchi caldera, located on the Sino-North Korean border in eastern Jilin Province, China, is one of the best-preserved large Cenozoic composite active volcanoes in China. This caldera, close to the Wangtiane and Baotaishan volcanoes to the south and southeast, sits atop a basalt plateau, reaching a peak elevation of 2 749m. Its formation involved multiple phases of overflow eruption activities, followed by caldera collapse due to explosive eruptions and pressure loss within the crustal magma chamber during the late Pleistocene. Over time, glaciers and flowing water have sculpted its surroundings, creating U-shaped valleys along the caldera rim. The structure and formation processes of its paleocone have thus attracted significant attention.

In this study, we drew from reconstruction techniques applied to similar calderas globally. Starting with a focus on the volcanic cone profile, we identified large-scale stratovolcanoes with symmetrical cone shapes akin to Changbaishan Tianchi for comparison. Using high-resolution stereo imagery, we extracted a Digital Elevation Model(DEM)with remote sensing software. From these DEMs, we performed detailed topographic analysis, calculating and statistically modeling geomorphological parameters, which allowed us to develop a three-phase empirical model of cone topography. Applying a moving surface algorithm in MATLAB, we generated surface equations for each volcano profile, revealing quantitative relationships between pixel position, coordinates, and elevation in 3D geographic space. We then used ArcGIS's Kriging interpolation method to create a DEM of the reconstructed cone of Changbaishan Tianchi volcano, allowing us to approximate the original cone structure.

The results estimate the original Changbaishan Tianchi cone reached a height of 4, 100m, with a crater diameter of about 390m and a depth of 170m. The cone displayed a funnel-like structure at the summit, with slopes characteristic of stratovolcanoes. The inner edge of the cone had a relatively uniform slope, while the upper outer edge was steep, averaging 27°, and the lower outer slope angle decreased to an average of 18.5°. These parameters align with typical stratovolcano profiles. The explosive eruptions and subsequent cone collapse are estimated to have led to a volume loss of approximately 28.92km3.

This paleocone reconstruction of Tianchi volcano enhances our understanding of the history of the development and evolution of Tianchi volcano, contributing valuable data for reconstructing similar caldera cones and examining eruption mechanisms within the Changbaishan volcanic field. Moreover, this study provides critical information for analyzing the geological history of Tianchi volcano, including the formation of glacial landforms and processes related to eruptions and natural disasters.

Key words: Changbaishan-Tianchi volcano, caldera, paleocone morphology, high resolution remote sensing imagery, Three-segmented empirical equations


破火山口是火山发生大规模爆炸式喷发后遗留下的锅型地貌, 恢复其原始锥体形貌对于理解火山发展演化和灾害过程具有重要意义。长白山天池火山是一座保存完整的大型破火山口, 其原始锥体形貌和形成过程备受关注。文中借鉴国内外相关破火山口的锥体重建方法, 在全球范围内寻找与天池火山形貌相似的大型火山, 通过分析这些火山地形建立锥体形貌的三段式经验方程, 结合长白山现今地貌恢复了长白山天池火山的古锥体形貌。天池火山古锥体最高可能约达4 100m, 火口顶部直径约390m, 深度约为170m, 锥体外缘上部陡峭, 平均坡度角为27°, 外缘下部坡度略缓, 平均坡度角为18.5°。天池火山古锥体形貌的恢复为理解天池火山的发展演化历史、 冰川地貌的形成和喷发成灾的过程提供了科学依据。

关键词: 长白山天池火山, 破火山口, 古锥体形貌, 高分遥感影像, 三段式经验方程