SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 462-476.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2024.02.013

Research paper Previous Articles     Next Articles


LIU Wen-yu1,4,5)(), CHENG Zheng-pu2,3),*(), NIAN Xiu-qing4), CHEN Yan1), HU Yu-ling4), QIN Zu-jian4), SHAO Ming-zheng4)   

  1. 1) College of Geoexploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China
    2) Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Survey, CGS, Tianjin 300309, China
    3) School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
    4) School of Geophysics and Measurement-control Technology, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330000, China
    5) Engineering Research Center for Seismic Disaster Prevention and Engineering Geological Disaster Detection of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330013, China
  • Received:2023-04-13 Revised:2023-12-08 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-29


刘文玉1,4,5)(), 程正璞2,3),*(), 年秀清4), 陈闫1), 胡钰铃4), 覃祖建4), 邵明正4)   

  1. 1) 吉林大学, 地球探测科学与技术学院, 长春 130026
    2) 中国地质调查局水文地质环境地质调查中心, 天津 300309
    3) 中国科学技术大学, 地球和空间科学学院, 合肥 230026
    4) 东华理工大学, 地球物理与测绘技术学院, 南昌 330000
    5) 江西省防震减灾与工程地质灾害探测工程研究中心, 南昌 330013
  • 通讯作者: *程正璞, 男, 1990年生, 现为中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院资源与环境专业在读博士研究生, 高级工程师, 主要从事地球物理研究及深部资源勘查相关工作, E-mail:
  • 作者简介:

    刘文玉, 男, 1986年生, 2018年于中国科学院大学获矿床学、 岩石学和矿物学博士学位, 现为东华理工大学固体地球物理学专业讲师和吉林大学博士后, 研究方向为深部地质结构、 构造与矿产勘查, E-mail:

  • 基金资助:
    江西省防震减灾与工程地质灾害探测工程研究中心开放基金(1410600024); 基于松原地区三维地壳电性结构研究项目(1410001022)


Since 2006, more than 10 earthquakes with the magnitude of 4 or higher have occurred continuously in Ningjiang district and Qian’an county, Songyuan city of Jilin province, with tens of thousands of aftershocks. The largest earthquake is the magnitude 5.8 earthquake on November 23, 2013 in Qiangorlos Mongolian autonomous county, Songyuan city, Jilin province. Frequent earthquake activities not only cause a large number of damaged buildings, but also trigger geological disasters such as sand liquefaction and slope instability, which have attracted widespread attention from the public and government departments. In order to comprehensively understand the causes of earthquakes in the Songyuan area, much studies on earthquake anomalies, seismogenic structures, and source depths have benn conducted recently. However, there are still some difference opinions in understanding the causes of earthquakes in the Songyuan area, for example, the major different viewpoints include: 1)it is caused by the regional stress release caused by Pacific subduction, mainly based on the consistency between the stress field in the source area and the background stress field of the Pacific plate subducting towards the edge of the east Asian continent; 2)it is related to deep melt or fluid migration, mainly based on the existence of low-speed and low resistance anomalous bodies in the deep part of the seismic area; 3)it is related to long-term oil and gas extraction, the main basis is that the seismic source spectrum exhibits characteristics of early and fast attenuation compared to typical structural earthquakes, and the time-domain and frequency-domain characteristic parameters such as waveform complexity and spectral ratio are also significantly different from typical structural earthquakes. In addition, the seismic source mechanism contains a large number of nondual force source components and shallow seismic source depth. Moreover, there is also significant controversy over the seismogenic structure, with the focus on whether the Qian’an and Ningjiang earthquake regions are controlled by the same fault zones. Some scholars infer that the seismogenic structures in both areas are the NE-trending Fuyu-Zhaodong Fault based on the source mechanism solution. Another group of scholars believe that the Qian’an earthquake area is controlled by NW-trending hidden faults, while the seismic structure in the Ningjiang earthquake area is the second NW-trending Songhuajiang Fault. The reason for the above controversy lies in the lack of necessary constraints on the deep structure of the seismic area.

To solve above problems, in this article we studied the three-dimensional residual density structure of the Songyuan earthquake area by performing nonlinear conjugate gradient focusing inversion on regional gravity data. Combined with oil drilling and reflection seismic data, some new insights were obtained as follows: 1)The residual density anomaly in the study area shows a high-low alternating strip distribution, with the southern anomaly trending NNW and the northern anomaly transitioning to NNE, This feature reflects the different deep earthquake environments in the Qian’an earthquake area and the Ningjiang earthquake area. The former’s source is located in the high-density anomaly body and its edge of Chaganhua, while the latter’s source is located in the middle of the low-density anomaly zone in Songyuan, indicating different rock types in the two locations. The basement of the Qian’an earthquake area is composed of limestone and metamorphic volcanic rocks, while the basement of the Ningjiang earthquake area is composed of fractured granite magmatic rocks. The stability of the basement structures in both areas is poor; 2)The seismic structures of the two are different. The former is controlled by the Chaganhua Fault and Qian’an Fault, while the latter is controlled by the Songyuan Fault and the Fuyubei Fault; 3)The formation of earthquakes is related to factors such as regional stress, basement structure, deep gas/fluid migration, and long-term oil and gas extraction. Long term water injection and oil recovery have damaged geological structures and stress environments, which may be important triggering factors. 4)In terms of the seismic source mechanism, we concluded that under the sustained action of regional stress in the near EW direction in the Songyuan area, the basement fault structures and fractures in the Qian’an and Ningjiang earthquake areas are extremely developed. Deep gas/fluid migrates upwards along the basement fractures, further reducing the stability of the basement structure. Long term water injection, oil and gas recovery, as well as fracturing, greatly damage the structural integrity of the cap rock and the distribution of deep stress, which results in the compressive and torsional strike slip movements in the relevant structures.

Key words: Songyuan earthquake, Three-dimensional residual density structure, deep seismogenic environment, basement structure, seismic genesis


自2006年以来松原市乾安县与宁江区地震频发, 成为东北地震活动最为频繁的区域, 目前对两地的发震构造和地震成因的认识存在严重分歧, 制约了地震危险性评价与预防工作的开展。文中通过对区域重力数据进行非线性共轭梯度聚焦反演, 获得了松原震区的三维剩余密度结构, 结合石油井震资料, 获得了如下认识: 1)研究区的剩余密度异常呈高低相间的带状分布, 南部异常走向为NNW, 北部异常转变为NNE向, 该特征反映出乾安震区和宁江震区的深部孕震环境不同, 前者震源位于查干花高密度异常体内及其边缘, 后者震源位于松原低密度异常带中部, 指示两地震源位置的岩性不同; 2)两者的发震构造不相同, 前者受控于查干花断裂和乾安断裂, 后者受控于松原断裂和扶余北断裂; 3)地震的形成与区域应力, 基底结构, 深部气、 流体运移和长期油气开采等因素有关。长期注水采油破坏了地质结构和应力环境, 可能是重要的地震诱发因素。

关键词: 松原地震, 三维剩余密度结构, 深部孕震环境, 基底构造, 地震成因