SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2008, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 44-57.
• Active structures and neotectonics • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Pei-zhen, LI Chuan-you, MAO Feng-ying
张培震, 李传友, 毛凤英
Abstract: Slip rates along major active faults are important components of quantitative studies of active tectonics. Slip rates can be directly used to seismic potential evaluation of active faults and seismic safety assessments of major engineering. In principle,dividing total displacement by its initial time yields slip rate along the fault. But,accurate determination of slip rate along a particular fault is not a simple task in practices for which the rates may deviate as much as 3 times among different researches and different methods. We argue that offset terrace risers that are protected by topography upstream of them are more closely dated by the age of the upper terrace than by that of the lower terrace. In some cases,valleys upstream of the fault have been incised into bedrock,and few if any terrace risers can be seen within the valleys. Such streams debouch onto alluviated floodplains or fans that become incised,presumably during climate changes,to create terrace risers. The terrace risers are then displaced so that they lie downslope from bedrock ridges on the upstream side of the fault,and thus the risers become protected from further incision. In such cases,dates of upper terraces should more closely approximate the ages of the risers than those of lower terraces. As noted above,whether the age of the upper or of the lower terrace more closely approximates the age of the riser will depend upon how the stream flowing over the flood plain that becomes the lower terrace alters the riser,and therefore at least in part on whether the offset riser moves into the path of the active stream or becomes shielded from it. Of cause,the age of the riser should be neither greater than the age of the upper terrace nor smaller than the age of the lower terrace. In an ideal situation,the ages of both would be sufficiently similar that they would place nearly equal upper and lower bounds on the slip rate. In many regions,however,the ages of the two terraces are so different that the bounds that they place on the slip rate are too large to be useful. We propose three methods to determine slip rate based on offsets of terrace risers. The first is to use both upper and lower terraces to constrain the maximum and minimum age of the offset of the riser. The second is to use the abandonment age of upper terrace as the initial age of the offset on the side of stream moving away from the river course. The third is to use the inception of sedimentary deposition on the lower strath terrace as the initial age of terrace riser offset. We use these methods to study slip rates along the Haiyuan Fault and the Altun Fault. The results show consistency of slip rates among different time scales,and are also consistent with other independent studies.
Key words: fault slip rate, strath terrace formation, abandonment age of terraze, sedimentary age of terrace
摘要: 断裂滑动速率是活动构造定量研究的最重要参数之一,不仅可以直接应用于活动构造的地震危险性预测和工程场地的地震安全性评价,还为地球动力学研究提供不可缺少的重要信息。原理上,断裂滑动速率可以用总位移量除以其累积时间而获得,但准确地确定断裂滑动速率并不是一件容易的事情,不同方法和研究者测定的同一条断裂的滑动速率可以相差3倍。文中通过对河流基座阶地演化及其对走滑断裂错动响应过程的分析发现,当一条山前河流切入河漫滩使其废弃形成阶地后,断裂的走滑位移使得河流两侧的阶地陡坎都遭到错动,其中一侧的下游阶地陡坎被错入河道而遭到河流的侵蚀,另一侧的下游阶地陡坎被错离河道,受到河流上游右侧地貌的保护而免遭侵蚀。因此,被错离河道一侧的阶地陡坎的位移在上阶地形成时就开始积累,阶地面的暴露年龄相当于位移累积的起始年代。另外,被错离河道一侧的阶地陡坎在下阶地停止侧蚀(可能同时开始接受沉积)时就开始累积位移,下阶地的初始沉积年代也代表阶地陡坎位移开始累积的时间。当然,如果能够获得被位移阶地陡坎的上下阶地年龄,就更能够把滑动速率限定在可靠的范围之内。在上述分析的基础上,提出3种利用河流阶地确定走滑断裂滑动速率的方法:第一是利用上下阶地年龄限定;第二是利用上阶地废弃年代限定错离河道一侧陡坎位移的起始年龄;第三是利用下阶地初始沉积年龄限定错离河道一侧陡坎位移的起始年龄。文中还将这些方法应用于研究海原断裂和阿尔金断裂的全新世滑动速率,获得的滑动速率与百万年尺度的长期平均滑动速率、百年尺度的近期滑动速率和10年尺度的现今滑动速率一致,也与其它地质、地貌学方法独立获得的结果一致。
关键词: 断裂滑动速率, 河流阶地演化, 阶地废弃年龄, 阶地沉积年龄
CLC Number:
张培震, 李传友, 毛凤英. 河流阶地演化与走滑断裂滑动速率[J]. 地震地质, 2008, 30(1): 44-57.
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