SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 1980, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4): 69-75.

• Brief Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles


Yin Xiuhua, Shi Zhihong, Liu Zhanpo, Zhang Yumei   

  1. Institute of Geology, National Bureau of Seismology
  • Received:1979-10-31 Online:1980-12-03 Published:2009-11-25


殷秀华, 史志宏, 刘占坡, 张玉梅   

  1. 国家地震局地质研究所

Abstract: The 1?/1? free-air anomaly and bouguer anomaly of the Chinese continent can be briefly outlined by 104癊 as a border line separating into the eastern and the western parts, distinctly different in anomaly features. The anomaly change of the former is gentle with a NNE strike of linear anomaly, while the latter's is intensive with a NWW strike of linear anomaly. The further subdivision of Chinese continent gives four anomaly regions, the Eastern, the Central, the Xinjiang and the Qinghai-Xizang, they vary obviously in nature. We discussed the relationships between the regional gravity field and tectonics, isostasy and seismicity. It is suggested that the linear anomalies of the Eastern part reflect mainly the structural system of NNE strike but the Western part reflect the structural system of NWW strike. The Bouguer anomaly gradient zones are coincident with the fault belts between fault blocks, and the Chinese continental crust is principally in an isostatic state on a large scale. Therefore it can be assumed that most of earthquakes would take place along the gravity gradient zones.

摘要: 中国大陆1°×1°空间重力异常和布格重力异常大体以东经104°线为界分为东、西绝然不同的两部分,东部异常变化平缓,线性异常的走向以北北东向为主,西部异常变化急剧,线性异常的走向以北西西向为主,进而还可分成异常特征明显不同的东部、中部、新疆、青藏四大区。文章初步讨论了中国大陆区域重力场与大地构造,地壳均衡和地震活动的关系,认为中国东部线性异常主要反映了北北东向新华夏构造体系,中国西部线性异常主要反映了北西西向西域构造体系,布格重力异常梯度带大都对应断块间的断裂带;布格重力异常和地形高程基本上呈负相关, 中国大陆地壳在大范围内基本处于均衡状态;地震大都发生在重力梯度带上。