SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1426-1443.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2024.06.012

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WANG Yi-ying1)(), SUN Xi-xi2),*(), ZHU Meng3), WANG Ji-qiang4), SHI Pi-long3), WANG Hua-lin4)   

  1. 1) Guangzhou Metro Design and Research Institute, Guangzhou 510000, China
    2) Tower Energy Co., Ltd. Shandong Branch, Jinan 250000, China
    3) Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China
    4) Shandong Earthquake Agency, Jinan 250014, China
  • Received:2024-01-11 Revised:2024-06-30 Online:2024-12-20 Published:2025-01-22


王一鹰1)(), 孙茜茜2),*(), 朱猛3), 王纪强4), 时丕龙3), 王华林4)   

  1. 1) 广州地铁设计研究院, 510000 广州
    2) 铁塔能源有限公司山东分公司, 250000 济南
    3) 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院数字地球重点实验室, 100094 北京
    4) 山东省地震局, 250014 济南
  • 通讯作者: *孙茜茜, 女, 1991年生, 硕士, 建筑师, 主要从事工程建筑设计、 基础处理和断层危害性评价的理论与应用研究工作, E-mail:
  • 作者简介:

    王一鹰, 男, 1990年生, 2016年于德国安哈尔特高等专业学院获建筑学专业硕士学位, 建筑师, 主要从事工程建筑设计、 基础处理和断层危害性评价的理论与应用研究工作, E-mail:

  • 基金资助:


The NW-trending Cangshan-Nishan(Cang-Ni) Fault, extending 170km, exhibits significant tectonic deformation and seismic activity in the late Quaternary, attracting considerable attention. This study investigates the relationship between residential building damage in Guanzhuang village, Baiyan town, Pingyi county, Shandong Province, and the activity of the Cang-Ni Fault. Based on field investigations, geomorphological measurements, fault activity identification, surface structure analysis of quartz fragments in fault gouge(SEM), particle size distribution analysis, InSAR time-series analysis, historical research on the 179BC M7 Qichu earthquake, and previous earthquake damage studies, the following conclusions were drawn: 1)Severe structural damage with left-lateral displacement of 0.5-2cm was observed in buildings along the main Cang-Ni Fault, with cracks originating at foundations and decreasing in scale upward. In contrast, buildings along secondary faults experienced relatively minor damage. Foundation cracks in the main fault zone were wide and numerous, propagating upwards to narrower wall fissures, indicative of structural failure. 2)Damaged buildings in Guanzhuang village align with the left-lateral strike-slip zone of the Cang-Ni Fault, coinciding with the epicenter of the 179BC M7 Qichu earthquake. This area represents the hub of late Quaternary fault activity, characterized by significant displacement and recent faulting strata. 3)SEM analysis of quartz fragments suggests that the Cang-Ni Fault's latest activity occurred in the early Holocene, with a combination of stick-slip and creep-slip mechanisms. Particle size analysis revealed a high proportion(36%-43%)of ultra-fine particles(<0.001mm)and fractal dimension values of 2.817-2.857, favoring fault creep. 4)InSAR data confirm ongoing sinistral strike-slip movement of the Cang-Ni Fault, indicating surface creep deformation. 5)Damage to residential buildings is attributed to the sinistral strike-slip and reverse-thrust creep deformation of the fault, stratigraphic and structural differences across fault walls, uneven stress distribution, and swelling effects of fault gouge. This research provides a case study of building damage caused by active fault creep, emphasizing the importance of precise identification and spatial mapping of active faults for seismic design and site selection in engineering projects. The findings offer valuable insights for mitigating seismic hazards in fault zones.

Key words: Fault creeping, ground fissures, damage of residential buildings, InSAR time-series analysis, Cangshan-Nishan Fault


NW走向的苍山-尼山断裂(简称苍尼断裂)延伸170km, 其晚第四纪的活动构造变形及地震活动引起了广泛关注。文中以山东省临沂市平邑县白彦镇官庄村的民居建筑破坏实地考察资料为基础, 通过苍尼断裂晚第四纪构造地貌测量与活动性鉴定、 断层泥中石英碎粒表面结构(SEM)鉴定和断层泥的粒度分布分析、 InSAR时序分析、 公元前179年“齐楚地震”考证与发震构造讨论、 以往震害调查和数值模拟研究等成果, 探讨了官庄村民居建筑破坏情况及其与苍尼断裂的关系、 民居建筑破坏成因与防御措施等问题。研究结果表明: 1)苍尼断裂的最新活动时代为全新世早期, 破裂方式黏滑兼蠕滑, 具有细粒度成分和高分维值的断层泥有利于断层蠕滑运动; 2)官庄村的民居建筑破坏正好位于左旋走滑的苍尼断裂带上, 表现为房屋基础和墙体开裂, 裂缝沿NW走向分布, 具有典型构造裂缝的特征, 公元前179年发生的“齐楚7级地震”的震中也正好位于该区域, 也是苍尼断裂晚第四纪构造地貌特征最明显、 断错地层最新和运动量最大的位置; 3)InSAR观测结果显示, 苍尼断裂带现今具有左旋走滑运动特征, 其现今活动很有可能引起了近地表的蠕滑构造作用; 4)苍尼断裂带左旋走滑蠕滑变形、 断层两盘断层结构和地层结构差异性、 断层两盘应力分布和变形特征差异性及断层泥膨胀作用等是导致白彦镇官庄村民居建筑破坏的主要原因。文中研究提供了活动断层带现今构造变形(蠕滑变形作用)造成建筑物破坏的一个典型案例, 证明活动断层空间展布的精确定位和活动性鉴定是工程建设选址中的关键问题, 对活动断层的合理避让和建筑抗震设计都具有重要参考价值。

关键词: 断层蠕滑变形, 地裂缝, 民居建筑破坏, InSAR时序分析, 苍山-尼山断裂