SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1314-1331.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2024.06.006

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WANG Xin(), ZHANG Ke*(), WANG Yue   

  1. Earthquake Agency of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010010, China
  • Received:2024-01-17 Revised:2024-04-12 Online:2024-12-20 Published:2025-01-22


王鑫(), 张珂*(), 王玥   

  1. 内蒙古自治区地震局, 呼和浩特 010010
  • 通讯作者: *张珂, 女, 1992年生, 硕士, 工程师, 主要从事数字地震学方面研究, E-mail:
  • 作者简介:

    王鑫, 男, 1982年生, 2010年于中国地质大学获资源勘查工程专业学士学位, 高级工程师, 主要从事地震监测业务及数字地震学相关研究工作, E-mail:

  • 基金资助:
    内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(2022MS04016); 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(2023LHMS04006); 内蒙古自治区地震局局长基金(2024MS02)


The Alukeerqin Banner region in Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia, experienced two notable earthquakes, with magnitudes of MS5.9 and MS4.7, in 2003 and 2021, respectively. These were the most significant seismic events in the area in recent years, however, neither resulted in surface rupture. The distribution of aftershocks also did not align with known fault lines, and both the characteristics and mechanisms of these seismic activities remain unclear. To address this, we utilized data from the Inner Mongolia Seismic Monitoring Network to reposition the MS5.9 and MS4.7 earthquake sequences in Alukeerqin Banner.

The results indicate that the MS5.9 and MS4.7 earthquake sequences occurred on the western and eastern sides of the Shuiquanzigou Tianshankou fault, respectively, aligning in a northwest-southeast(NW-SE)direction. The main shocks are approximately 45km apart, with focal depths of 2-12km and 8-22km for aftershocks. The main earthquakes are situated in the southeastern portion of the aftershock sequences, which also trend NW-SE. Depth-profile analysis of the aftershock zones shows relatively simple structures, with clusters oriented in a NW trend and inclined southwest(SW). The 2003 MS5.9 earthquake sequence exhibits a fault plane with a dip angle of approximately 60°, while the 2021 MS4.7 earthquake sequence has a nearly vertical fault plane.

Using the CAP method and P-wave first-motion polarity analysis, we derived focal mechanism solutions and source depths for earthquakes of ML≥1.5 in the region. The focal mechanism solution indicates that the MS4.7 main shock primarily involved left-lateral strike-slip motion at a source depth of 19.9km, which closely matches the initial rupture depth of 21km obtained from relocation. Other significant earthquakes in the series similarly exhibit left-lateral strike-slip characteristics, with most developing along a NW-SE strike plane, consistent with the seismogenic fault characteristics identified in the relocated series. Previous research also shows that the main shock of the MS5.9 earthquake sequence involved left-lateral strike-slip motion, with the B-node plane orientation(NW direction)aligning with the distribution of fine-located events and the long axis of the macroscopic intensity isoseismal line.

The temporal-spatial distribution and focal mechanism analyses of the MS5.9 and MS4.7 earthquake sequences suggest that their primary faults are consistent in strike and mechanical properties with the Shuiquanzi-Tianshankou Fault, trending NW but located at different positions. This confirms that the seismogenic structure of the MS5.9 earthquake is likely a left-lateral strike-slip secondary fault on the western side of the Shuiquanzi-Tianshankou Fault, trending SW. The seismogenic structure of the MS4.7 earthquake may be a concealed fault nearby with similar characteristics to the Shuiquanzi-Tianshankou Fault.

We also analyzed 71 earthquakes of magnitude 2 and above in the southeastern segment of the Daxing'anling uplift since 2012, based on observation data from the China Earthquake Networks Center. Using comprehensive focal mechanism inversion, we determined the regional P-axis distribution, finding that the primary compressive stress direction in the southeastern Daxing'anling uplift is predominantly NW and nearly east-west(EW). In the vicinity of Alukeerqin Banner, the P-axis orientation is mainly EW, reflecting a relatively simple stress field. The focal mechanisms of the 2003 MS5.9 and 2021 MS4.7 earthquakes are consistent with this regional stress field, suggesting that these earthquakes were likely caused by faulting influenced by the nearly EW-oriented regional principal compressive stress.

Key words: Alukeerqin Banner earthquake, earthquake sequence relocation, focal mechanism, seismogenic structure


内蒙古赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗在2003年与2021年先后发生 MS5.9 地震与 MS4.7 地震。这2次地震是该地区近年来震级最大的地震事件, 均未造成地表破裂, 余震分布与已知断层的相关性不强, 地震活动特征和发震机制仍不甚明确。针对该问题, 文中使用内蒙古地震监测台网观测数据, 对阿鲁科尔沁旗2次地震序列进行重新定位。结果显示, MS5.9 和 MS4.7 地震序列的余震震源深度分别为2~12km和8~22km间, 主震位于余震序列的南东段, 余震带走向为NW-SE。余震带深度剖面分析显示2次地震序列结构相对简单, 均呈一个NW走向、 倾向SW的地震集群。进一步采用CAP方法与P波初动极性方法, 得到了震源区ML≥1.5地震的震源机制解和震源矩心深度。震源机制解结果显示, MS4.7 主震的发震断裂为左旋走滑性质, 震源矩心深度为19.9km, 与重定位得到的震源初始破裂深度21km较为接近, 余震与主震的性质整体相同, 均发育NW-SE走向的断层面。前期研究结果显示, MS5.9 地震序列的主震也为左旋走滑型。文中对阿鲁科尔沁旗 MS5.9 与 MS4.7 地震序列的时空分布特征与震源机制解的分析表明, 阿鲁科尔沁旗2次地震序列的主要发震断层的产状及力学性质应与NW走向的水泉子沟-天山口断裂较为一致, 但展布位置不同, 证实 MS5.9 地震的发震构造应是位于该断裂西侧、 倾向SW的一条左旋走滑次级断裂, MS4.7 地震的发震构造可能是震中附近与水泉子沟-天山口断裂性质相近的一条隐伏断裂。2次地震序列均是发震构造受到近EW向主压应力作用导致的。

关键词: 阿鲁科尔沁旗地震, 地震序列精定位, 震源机制, 发震构造