SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 414-432.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2024.02.010

Research paper Previous Articles     Next Articles


DONG Chun-li1,2)(), ZHANG Guang-wei3),*(), LI Xin-wei4), WANG Yue-jie1,2), DING Da-ye1,2), GONG Zhuo-hong1,2)   

  1. 1) Shangxi Taiyuan National Continental Rift Valley Dynamics Observation and Research Station, Taiyuan 030025, China
    2) Shanxi Earthquake Agency, Taiyuan 030021, China
    3) National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management of China, Beijing 100085, China
    4) Sichuan Earthquake Agency, Chengdu 610000, China
  • Received:2023-03-29 Revised:2023-06-02 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-29


董春丽1,2)(), 张广伟3),*(), 李欣蔚4), 王跃杰1,2), 丁大业1,2), 宫卓宏1,2)   

  1. 1) 太原大陆裂谷动力学国家野外科学观测研究站, 太原 030025
    2) 山西省地震局, 太原 030021
    3) 应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院, 北京 100085
    4) 四川省地震局, 成都 610000
  • 通讯作者: *张广伟, 男, 1985年生, 副研究员, 主要从事小震精定位及震源机制反演研究, E-mail:
  • 作者简介:

    董春丽, 女, 1974年生, 2001年于山西大学获计算机科学技术与应用专业学士学位, 高级工程师, 现主要从事地震监测和数字应用方面的研究, E-mail:

  • 基金资助:
    山西太原大陆裂谷动力学国家野外科学观测研究站项目(NORSTY2021-06); 山西省地震局科研项目(SBK-2220)


Understanding the mechanism of earthquake sequence in the mining area is important for the time-dependent hazard assessment. An earthquake of ML4.1 occurred in Gujiao, Taiyuan, Shanxi on February 20th, 2022, which caused strong ground motion in Gujiao and surrounding counties. The epicenter of this earthquake is located in the area of Lvliang uplift, where historical earthquakes are relatively rare. In addition, the coal resources are well developed in the earthquake source area which has attracted much attention from society and local governments.

To investigate the mechanism and the seismogenic fault of Gujiao ML4.1 earthquake, we first apply the double-difference location method to retrieve highly accurate hypocenter locations. The results show that the earthquakes mainly occur at a depth range of 3~5km, and display a dominant distribution direction nearly EW-trending, which differs significantly from the NE-trending fault distribution pattern in this region. We further collect the broad-band seismic waveforms from the regional network of Shanxi province to perform focal mechanism inversion. The inversion results show that the Gujiao earthquake is a left-slip seismic event with a moment magnitude of MW3.96. The optimal double-couple solution is characterized by a strike of 90°, dip of 80°, and a rake angle of -21° for fault plane Ⅰ, while for the fault plane Ⅱ, the strike is 184°, dip is 69°, and rake angle is -169°. The best centroid depth is estimated to be at 3km. This earthquake shows an extremely shallow focal depth. Moreover, By using cluster analysis method, we obtained the central solution for the seismogenic fault plane of the GuJiao earthquake, with a fault strike of 91°and a dip angle of 70°. The focal solutions show that the earthquake exhibit a strike-slip type, and the orientations of earthquake sequence coincide well with the focal mechanisms.

In addition, to discuss the effect of Gujiao ML4.1 earthquake on regional stress, we calculate the stress drop of this seismic sequence. The results show that the stress drop is significantly smaller than that of the regional earthquakes, exhibiting at least one order of magnitude lower than that of the background earthquakes in the same region. This phenomenon reflects that the stress level in the focal area of the GuJiao earthquake is not high, suggesting that the background stress enhancement in the focal area is not obvious.

Based on regional geological structure, we found that the known faults in the region are all high-angle normal faults, and the strike of these faults are inconsistent with the focal mechanism solution of Gujiao earthquake sequence, which suggests that the existing faults are not the seismogenic fault. Taking the regional mining activities into account, we speculated that mining may cause strong disturbance to the stress field, and lead to stress redistribution within the rock mass. Such coal mining activity may generate a high stress disturbance on the hidden fault plane, and then the fault become the carrier of stress transfer. So we conclude that the seismogenic mechanism of the Gujiao-seismic sequence may be related to coal mining activities near the focal area, which leads to local stress changes, thus resulting in the activation of preexisting hidden faults and triggering the occurrence of the Gujiao earthquake.

Key words: Gujiao earthquake, focal mechanism solution, hidden fault, gCAP method, seismic stress drop


2022年2月20日山西太原古交市发生了ML4.1地震, 古交及周边县市震感强烈。此次地震的震中位于历史地震相对稀少、 煤矿资源丰富的吕梁隆起区, 其发震断裂尚不明确。为了更好地认识这次地震的发震构造, 文中利用山西省测震台网的近震波形资料反演了地震的震源机制解, 并获得最佳矩心深度。反演结果显示, 古交地震是一次左旋走滑型地震事件, 矩震级为 MW3.96, 最佳双力偶解为: 节面Ⅰ, 走向90°、 倾角86°、 滑动角-19°; 节面Ⅱ, 走向182°、 倾角70°、 滑动角-175°; 最佳矩心深度为3km, 属于极浅源地震。地震序列重定位结果显示震中的优势展布方向近EW, 与区域内断层基本为NE走向的分布格局差异显著。利用聚类分析方法得到古交地震的发震断层面中心解, 结果显示断层的走向为91°, 倾角为70°。另外, 古交地震序列的应力降显著偏小, 低于同区域背景地震至少1个数量级。结合实地调研的矿区生产情况和区域地质构造, 认为古交地震序列的发震机制可能与震源区附近的煤田开采活动有关, 开采活动致使局部应力改变, 从而导致先存隐伏断层活化, 进而触发此次地震。

关键词: 古交地震, 震源机制解, 隐伏断层, gCAP方法, 地震应力降