《地震地质》期刊自1979年创刊以来,得到地震系统乃至地学界广大科技人员的厚爱与大力支持,使期刊整体的学术质量与编辑出版质量日渐提高。为更方便广大读者阅读与引用文献,在《地震地质》创刊30周年之际,特编辑 《地震地质》第1~30卷目次集,同时制作了第1~30卷全文的光盘。目次集为参考文献格式,中英文对照。光盘内容为:1)《地震地质》第1~30卷目次集(word格式);2)《地震地质》第1~30卷(123期,1788篇论文)全文(PDF格式)。每篇论文的题目与全文超级链接,点页码即可浏览全文。
Since its first publication in 1978, “Seismology and Geology" has steadily improved its overall academic quality as well as its editing and publishing quality, and it attributes its great success to the vigorous support and the deep love and concern from a large number of scientists and engineers of seismological circle and even in the earth sciences. For more convenient reading and citation of papers, we compiled the Collection of Table of Contents of volumes 1~30 of the journal and made DVDs of the full text of the 30 volumes on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its first publication. The Collection of Table of Contents is in the form of bibliographic references in both Chinese and English. The content in DVD includes: 1) Collection of Table of Contents of Volume 1~30 of Seismology and Geology in word format; 2) the full texts carried on the volumes 1~30 of Seismology and Geology (123 issues, 1788 papers) in PDF format. Each paper title is hyperlinked to full text, thus the text can be browsed by clicking the page number. For library collections, please contact Editorial Office of Seismology and Geology. Personnel involved in scientific research can visit the journal’s Web site that provides a free browser and download at the following address: www.dz-dz.com.cn .
编辑部 Editorial Office of Seismology and Geology